

wo-oah, livin' on bread...

so z, who is a mite younger than me and my cronies and has little to no knowledge of awesome mid-80s trends and hot mid-80s music, apparently always thought that bon jovi's "livin' on a prayer" was actually "livin' on bread."

i love it.

other things going on as we speak:

and that's all i got for now... just wanted to say "HeRrr0!"

get it? like as if i were chinese or something?

alright, i am out. i leave you with the immortal words of rear admiral scooter taylor...

"if you fart at any time during the bukkake, then you have to start all over."

thank you.


Woah, I got the stubbborn hives not that long ago, too! Weird. The only thing that fixed it for me was getting a sunburn.
yea whatever ! HI!!!!!!!!
Hmm, have you started doing anything new recently? Like using a new soap or detergent or whatever? Yeah, like I'm sure you haven't already thought of these things. Oh well, I hope it gets better at some point. Maybe you can just sedate yourself to sleep - then the itching wouldn't really bother you, now would it.
amanda! were you at!!!!!!!!!
who the hell is pete?
pete is my brother!

who the hell are you?

pete--i'm here, i'm totally alive! i will blog soon, i swear.

crabman, identify yourself!
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