

haven't posted much lately. to those who keep checking back, thankee...

so here are some stories.

first and foremost, my bank account is RIDICULOUSLY overdrawn. i had no idea that ALL of those checks would clear yesterday. figured one might. maybe. ALL of them. jesus. no big whoop. i will get the (late) paycheck and attempt to right things.

what else? well, i befriended a little green bug that looked sort of like a grasshopper but was much bigger and was the color of a praying mantis. he was hanging out all sunday night. monday morning, i stepped outside and he was lying dead and starting to rot on the front door mat. we probably killed him. so yeah that was pretty sad.

i caught no fish. this does not surprise me in the least.

upon seeing the skyline of lexington looming in the dark october sky, my stomach seized up and automatically re-knotted itself. this is very lame.

need halloween costume! immediately! right away!

i don't know what else to say! crap!

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