

so it's malloween again. what did i do last year? i don't know. oh yes, there was the party at asbury's house. jesse and i went, and i believe that maybe i wore a corset due to lack of real costume. and jesse had no costume either, but we stuffed straw into his hat and his coat sleeves to imply that he was some sort of horrible scarecrow. i remember it being totally un-rememberable.

this halloween is shaping up to be much the same. i still have no costume, though i have the bits and peices of eight or nine different things. i have come up with a great (and super cheap and really easy to obtain and put together) idea, but it would be a much better costume for a boy. so, yeah. i kind of don't really wanna go do anything, but that might get me made fun of and fuck that shit. cuz what i really care about is what people think about me. so instead, i will get way drunk and pretend like i like socializing. yeehah!

aerosmith is on the radio-thing here. 90s aerosmith. it's all i can do to keep from smashing the whole apparatus to pieces with my mind.

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