

alright. time to breathe.

it's been a busy few days. and also a lazy few days. as for corporate slappy, she managed to do quite a bit of real work lately, with the help of boomer the office ho. it's been stressful, although i'll admit that it's my slacking and last-minute rushing that made it so incredibly hectic. hopefully i've seen the worst of it, and things will let up as the most lamest time of year gets closer and closer...

there's been a fairly constant flow of people in and out of the house and in and out of the life lately...it's actually been really weird. the winds of change they are a'blowin and shit. everything's all out of whack and everyone i know seems to be sort of looking for something else besides whatever it is they were doing. does that make any sense? well, i suppose all of the old "things happen for a reason," and "do what makes you happy," and "run like the wind to your doom" adages apply in a multitude of cases. good luck to 'man who gets tired' with the newness, i feel your pain, guy. good luck to megan in moving back...i really envy your hundred-dollar-room-and-board situation. good luck to mr. slacker, who is dropping out of school as we speak in order to pursue more creative endeavors (and i am currently messing up his room). (the business, of course). and enrique, i hope you want a good buddy with cats to go with you when you make your escape.

anyway, i've been getting used to doing stuff a little differently, adjusting and such. i'm still not even halfway there, i'd say, but i'm working on it. it's actually not really all that much different. just the nights and the lack of the obligatory phone call. i really wish this town were just a wee-bit bigger, as i'm sort of afraid to venture out to the places everyone i know goes. not that i really care all that much. i'd like to say that i enjoy all of the cavorting and carrying on that's all the rage with the 20-somethings, but really, most times, i just don't. i've tried. and yeah, sometimes it's good. when in good company, of course. but mainly, i'm too tired and bored with all of the hooey (those who know me well will point out my overwhelming tendency to 'cynicize,' however, i must say that i've always felt this general discomfort in hyper-social situations...i've tried hard to overcome it, but my experiences don't do much to pull me in the other direction).

so what am i getting at? come on people, i haven't posted in days...did you really think i'd spit it out in less than eight paragraphs?

so i'm torn. on the one hand, i'm trying to get used to the whole single thing again, and i know i ought to be getting out more and sowing those oats and stuff. it would definitely help me to feel better about knowing the old boy is enjoying his freedom. but i don't wanna. i feel like a freaking forty-year-old stuck in the (stunningly proportionate and lithe) body of a 23-year-old (who looks 18). i love parentheses.

***< crazy tangent >***

i talked to my sister for the first time in forever yesterday. she was wondering if i remembered a song we used to sing to each other on acid in high school. no one believed it was real, but if i recall, it was a moderate country hit at some point. i love you period...do you love me question mark...please please exclamation point...i wanna hold you in parentheses.... yes, acid.

***< /crazy tangent >***

so what have we? torn. old lady. bored. there must be good things, too...yes, there are. that digicam i was gonna get someone for christmas? i think i'll get it for me. i've been shopping around on the internet. i'm very excited about the prospects. expect an entire series of photographs of my cat steve dressed in homemade posterboard costumes or uniforms enjoying his many hobbies. and also, i am going to a fancy-schmancy restaurant with a free hundred dollars and i will order alcohols and meats and maybe get the guts to fess up...you think it'll work? doubt it. but alcohols and meats, nonetheless. what else what else? health insurance is coming through in the next few days. finally. i've been sick for two months now, and it's about time i was able to do something about it. even if they're only gonna give me more lovely dissociative cough medicine.

buffalo fun ranch and subsequent buffet RULES! i highly recommend it. tucker rode a buffalo. i kissed a horse. al sharpton was there. madness.

that is all for now. i am sleepy. cuz i'm old. you get it?

ps--i promised someone i don't really know that i'd tell him a story. i tried to do so last week, and my attempts were thwarted. guy i don't really know, if you're reading this, i apologize for my lack of follow-through. work has been keeping me quite occupied, and i've also been weaning myself from the evil friendster. it will happen, i promise. it's not that good of a story, though, i have to warn you.


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