

hooray for people! 'nother old buddy--huffer, this time--coming to visit this weekend, and i must admit, i'm really looking forward to it.

what else? company christmas extravaganza tomorrow night. us bums will dress up (well, i'll dress up--big nicky will just wear that brown corduroy blazer with some sort of unmatching shirt underneath and call himself dressed up, but that's okay), eat delicious malone's and drink drink drink til it becomes necessary to call 231-SAFE. and i will get my christmas bonus. they're being awfully nice to me nowadays, which i can understand, seeing as how i am currently dangling the fate of their entire operation over their heads...little do they know the extent of my full plan. gimme the money! i'm leaving anyway! suckas. i am getting better at this biz.

donatos pizza buffet for lunch today. i almost can't wait. the bad thing about me getting my appetite back is that i've got my appetite back.

i hear sailordew was on the news. i didn't catch it, but apparently, she had some sort of affair with the governor. or maybe she was just talking about tolly-ho, i don't know. i wanna be on the news. (pouty face)

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