

what kind of shorts do clouds wear?


good lord.

so i think our (the office) dsl may get shut off today. that'd be bad. i haven't done the things i was supposed to do, so it's entirely my fault if it happens. i am willing to accept this. one boss is in florida anyway, and it's nice out, so i guarantee that the other will eventually go golfing. if it breaks, i will fix it. i hope.

what else what else? the bun is moving out today. that's sad. who will feed my cats when i decide not to come home? who will watch porno in my living room? who will stink up my kitchen with triple-tuna tuna magic? i will miss him. and now i have to start really packing. i hate moving. it's nice that i get to take my time...i plan to be fully out of the ghetto by mid-month. woohoo.

i've gotta have some sort of funny story or biting social commentary to share with you. it's just not coming to me yet. i guess i haven't been paying much attention to things lately. it's been nice.

i miss mix. and until yesterday, i missed boomer. and until wednesday, i will miss mr. w. and starting today, i will miss the bun (well, maybe not starting today, but...). i will be glad when the holidays are through and things get back to normal.

so what's going on for new years? i've done nothing but stupid stupid crap for the last, oh...three or so years, although i've gone out of my way to try to do fun stuff. so this year, i will go out of my way to be as relaxed and indifferent about it as i can, so maybe something incredibly earth-shattering will happen.

maybe taylor and i can drink a bunch of beam and harrass innocent foreign men at perkins at 4am. oh wait, we already did that. we'll have to show you the pictures.

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