

bathroom humor never fails with me. i'm not sure whether or not i'll eventually grow out of it, and i don't know if i care. you can be old and still like a good poop reference. i'm also not sure if i'll ever stop writing in the passive voice.

i do so love the passive voice.

alright, so i went to the jesus movie. self-proclaimed agnostic and self-proclaimed atheist walk into a movie theater full of people who are there to see the Real Deal True Life Jesus Story. and they got mel gibson's 50 million dollar version. so many people crying. i don't know if i've ever felt so out of place in my life. point is, it wasn't enough to convert me, so you're all off the hook for now. breathe easier. i'm feeling a little guilty for giving "them" my $5.75 (plus $10.25 for drinks and a tiny box of gummy bears!), but i'm going to show them...i'm taking my ticket stub to chik-fil-a for some free waffle fries, stat! if jesus is okay with taking my money, i'm okay with eating his delicious fried potatoes.

well, now it's time for my usual "i'm so freakin' glad it's friday" rant. friday is what i live for. i'm gonna relax it up tonight, maybe some movie watchin' action and some vino. and tomorrow is going to be nutso. i'm sure there will be pictures. i mean, i hope there will be pictures. and then, if we're lucky, buffalo fun on sunday. mmm...buffalo fun.

having lunch with "the boy" (not mine, sillies), aka "don juan de marco" or just mark, depending on who you're talking to. tay's got bidness to do, so he and i will be lunching and i will ask him all about his intentions with my daughter. as long as they're living under my roof, i will say what i mean and mean what i say.

i'm just gettin' silly now. i'll go work for a while, and then i'll come back and tell you all about something really interesting.

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