

fridayfridayfriday. made it thru yet another week without dying. yeehah. the whole of beaumont centre is covered in a dense, thick fog, and i guess many people are taking this as their sign to go home early. the parking lot here is totally empty, and i got my princess spot...this never happens. speaking of the parking lot, i haven't seen SLW HND's car here in a while. maybe he went back to japan.

i've been in a lot of elevators lately, and i've noticed a trend. you know those "certificates of operation" or whatever they are that are supposed to be hanging in there at all times so that riders on the elevator can look at them and see that the thing's been maintained and tested and is kept up to code and all? yeah, well, if you'll notice, none of them is ever current. ever. i'm serious. check it out. the one at central baptist was three years old. the one in this building expired last year. maybe i'm wrong, who knows.

i went home for lunch and had yummy egg salad sammiches with zack. now i'm just waiting for 5 o'clock. or maybe 4. or 3. we'll see.

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