

i'm so bored. i'm gonna blog the shit outta this thing today.

so i said i'd tell you about something interesting. this was actually provoked...or more like inspired...by a recent post on a blog that i just started reading. a good buddy has been trying the waters of the superweb, maybe someday we'll all add a link to our lexington-blogger-circle-jerk-action when the word is the word...but anyway, this buddy has got some concerns about the "l-word." not leprosy, not laproscopy, not lactation. i'm talkin' about love.

now, guy, i think your perception of the whole thing is perfectly warranted. and if your perception requires that you be perhaps distrustful of women, then so be it. i don't recommend hatred for the opposite sex, because then how can you ever hope to get laid? i myself have some seriously mixed emotions when it comes to mens. i'd love to love them. all of them. i get along with mens much better than i do the ladies. boomer said once that i have a lot less compassion for girls than i do boys. and this is true. i think boys have an excuse for being idiots, i guess. they just need a lady like me to keep them on track. but i'm getting off subject. so yes, usually, i like mens. but...

for a little while there, i was seriously feeling massive quantities of hate towards all men. i had some opportunities to hang out with a few of them on semi-romantical levels and i pussed out because i figured they'd end up being just like "the others," doing an about-face and pulling the rug out from underneath me. but shit happens, and after mulling all of this over and taking into account the crazy shit that's been going on around me, i've come to the following conclusion:

all men may be evil. it doesn't matter. you just have to learn how to not expect them to be otherwise. they may turn out not evil, and if that happens, then right on. if they are and you can't put up with it, well, that's why we have things like "breaking up" and "divorce." the same goes for ladies, atm... whether they're evil or not, you've gotta decide that that's not your problem. and whoever you end up with is going to turn out to be able to think in precisely the same way--she'll be able to see that maybe sometimes you can be evil, and she'll just be alright with that.

and this goes along with my theory that everyone is a little evil. nice balance, you know? so if you can find someone who's the same kind of evil as you are, then you're all set.

what's amazing is that just in writing this, i've realized that it is possible to be perfectly cynical and hopelessly oblivious to things like "love," and at the same time, to still know that there's a chance that there's someone out there who's gonna make you change your mind about the whole damn thing. deep down in the secret girl place, i'm holding on to that.

i've got to pee now. i know i'm rambling, i just wanted to take a second to comment, as i've been thinking about this for a while.

so the point is, don't rule out anything. just don't expect anything, either, and you'll be alright. but for gods sake, don't just give up, sperm retention syndrome is a biatch.


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