

you ever had this happen to you? where you get so used to waking up with something everyday and going to bed with it every night, and you're just so used to it that one day, you wake up and it's gone, and you barely even notice? i'm not talking about people or blankets or stuffed pigs or anything like that...more like...like, this haze or this sort of fog or maybe it's more like a...shit i don't know. it's not even like it was necessarily a bad thing...but whatever it was, now that it's gone, i'm feeling oddly refreshed and even a little excited about what's gonna happen next.

as far as all else goes, it's snowing. i prefer that it snow on the weekends when i can sit in the house and enjoy it, but i only get to control weather three weeks out of the year, and unfortunately, this is not one of those weeks.

i went to cinci for dinner with dad and amy and my aunt and uncle. we had good fun. i drank lots of bourbon and ate ribs and chicken. i also sampled the following: prime rib, shrimp, duck (yum!), and warm apple caramel shortcake. our waiter was an annoying turd who felt the need to give us a play-by-play on everything he was doing. examples, you ask? sure! oh, and his name was chris.

dad: "could i get another heineken? and a mug? when you get a chance?"

annoying turd chris: "yes, sir. i'll be right back with that, i just need to stop by some of my other tables and let them know that they have my attention. they tend to compensate me more at the end of the night when i do so (and then he WINKED!)."

well, duh, annoying turd chris! we all know how the waiter/customer situation works... and what's more, i don't need you to inform me that you'll "have that butter out in just a second," because you "really can't wait much longer," you've "got to use the restroom," and you "usually wouldn't tell a table that," but you "wanted to let us know" so that we "wouldn't think we'd been abandoned!"

yeah, he sucked. the valet boys, however, did not suck in any way. and as i waited for the rest of the crew to finish purchasing their take-home sized bleu cheese dressings and potato chips, the non-sucking valet boys and i chatted it up about politics, philosophy, astrophysics, and obscure documentaries. it was awesome.

tonight, i'm gonna sew buttons on my jacket, and maybe on my underwear.

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