

this is a wrench.

lately i've been a huge fan of the "everything happens for a reason" theory. i've been applying it to my life, and reminding other people about it when they want to talk about their lives... and i really think i believe it. even if it isn't true, it definitely helps you to cope with all of the good, the bad, the ugly, and the unexpected.

so then, "everything happens for a reason." okay.

god i wish someone would just go ahead and tell me what that reason is, but something tells me i'm going to have to try to figure that out for myself.

i'm being vague, i know. that's my thing, lemme have it.

i'd love to write about other stuff, but not surprisingly, i'm having some trouble concentrating. i only slept on friday and sunday night, so i'm feeling crack-monkeyesque, and of course mondays suck, so... i'll spare you my blah and will come back to this thing when perhaps i've got something hilarious for you.

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