

well hello. i'm at home, doctors orders...but this time, it's not some horrid coughing and sniffling type thing. nosir, this time, i'm home cuz i've got pinkeye.

woke up this morning and my left eye was nicely crusted shut, went straight to the doctor and got myself a written excuse. yip! so once again, it's daytime tv and laziness! true, i feel a little bit like a leper, but i'll take a day off anytime.

i have so much stuff i wanna write about. i'm like, overflowing with words and thoughts and stuff right now. it's really kind of nice. the creative juices have been flowing, i've had lots more mental and physical energy lately, it's just this whirl of novelty and action. there is SO much i'd like to say, in fact, that i spent my hour and a half in the waiting room jotting things down in my hastily thrown together homemade notebook. i can't hope or expect to get to it all today (though i don't have much else to do, i guess), and you'd get bored reading it all anyway...

let's begin, shall we?

first of all, i'll tell you a little about the weekend. mostly for my own reflective purposes. it was good. the weather was lovely, and i tried to take advantage of it, at least a little. yesterday, i gave ol' mandrake a bath (the car, people) in my own driveway! it was so great! no crackheads stumbling around, no cops on the corner. i love living in a homey residential neighborhood where kids just roam up and down the street all day and into the night. so yeah, my car is clean and beautiful, inside and out, and i think she's happy about it, she started up this morning without hesitation (lately, she's been quite fussy about that). i also spent some time at the dog park with zack and george and zack's parents' dog max. sniffathon 2003. lots of dogs running around putting their noses into each others butts and chasing each other in circles. it was fun. i even got some exercise! as we were leaving, george and i sprinted 50 yards or so. amazing.

oh yeah, saturday! went to lynaghs with the whole crew, we pretty much filled the entire downstairs. everyone came out to wish jacob well, and a good (drunk) time was had by all. i wish there were more pictures, but i became oblivious to the camera situation after my third makers and coke. afterwards, it was off to cheryl inn for jousting and carrying on, and, most memorably, Mandy vs. Becky: Round III. man, i didn't even know she was there yet, all i felt was someone assaulting me from behind, trying to force my bourbon filled body down to the ground, and i just reacted. it's the most instinctual moment i've experienced in a long, long while. i felt threatened. i felt defensive. i felt exhilirated! without even thinking, i grabbed my assailant and went for the kill. and then i realized it was boomer. by then, it was too late. it was on. i was prepared for a fight to the death! but she started feelin' spinny, i guess, and i went ahead and let her off the hook. she's lucky. i was like an animal. who knows what might've happened.


speaking of animals, lemme update you on the kittens. they're wickedly happy here, no longer displaying the semi-depressed behaviors that were getting out of hand down in the ghetto. steve is out more than he's in. yesterday he spent probably 20 hours roaming around the neighborhood, laying on the porch, etc. he's lost some weight...not much yet, maybe a pound or so, but it's a start. he'll be all svelt soon and i'll start entering him into contests to appear in sexy kitty calendars or something. the children of the neighborhood have taken a liking to him. i hear them yelling "steve! steve!" as they chase him through my yard and theirs, trying to poke them with their sticks. he seems to like it enough. molly's actually changed even more, it's been awesome. she's got so many places to go here, rooms that no one ever goes into, closets with shelves and corners and quiet and darkness. she's obsessed with the shower and spends at least an hour after either of us showers standing in the tub meowing happily. we're working on getting her outside, it's coming along slowly. she's pretty much okay with the backyard for short stints. the front is a different story--the cars and kids freak her out quite a bit. the thing is, i really don't think she ever had any experience with the out-of-doors until now. i got her when she was almost too young, and i know for a fact that she spent the first few weeks of her life curled up trembling in a ball underneath nate's mom's couch. for the last two years, she's been an indoor cat. yeah, one time crazy laura let her out at mlk, but not for long, and i think she stayed right at the door. anyway, now she can go out whenever she'd like. i love watching her take two tiny little careful steps forward and then three or four back as soon as the door creaks or a twig breaks or a bird chirps. she's never seen any of this stuff, really. she used to be fascinated with the shitty pigeons outside my old bedroom window, but never saw them in the flesh. yesterday was pretty windy, and she got two steps outside and just stopped, completely captivated by Plain-Old Wind. she loves it. and if you watch, you can see her getting up the gumption to just run. just take a few quick steps and she's off the porch, under a bush, under the porch, under the house...

and now i've rambled for days about my cats. sorry. i like them.

so i guess that's enough for now. i'm going to eat some more of my delicious homemade macaroni and cheese and watch days of our lives. no one's even noticed that ever since everyone started dying, marlena's been wearing black clothes and nothing else. it's details like this that you can't overlook! i should be some sort of detective.

i think we need a picture to break up all this wordy, but you'll also need some background info.

this is wilma:

i had a dream last night, i was at this bar with some friends and i look at this booth in the back and one of my ex boyfriends is there with this girl named DaTanda (da-TAHN-da), and i can hear their conversation...he seemed to be talking her ear off trying to impress her and she seemed a little bored. anyway, she looked a whole lot like wilma, only with long hair. it was hilarious.

and now, macaroni and cheese be callin' my name. i will bore you more later, i promise.

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