

i can't believe it's already monday. this weekend went by a little too quickly, and as i spent the majority of it on the road and out of town, it seems like i never really got to chillax as much as i would have liked. it was kind of nice this morning, though...i got in the car at 10 of 9, as usual, but as i was preparing to leave i noticed a cute husky dog roaming around the neighborhood, obviously quite lost. i watched her for a second to see if she could handle being off a leash and in traffic. she could not. and so, i grabbed her, got george's leash (he hated that) and sat with her on the porch for two hours until animal control came and picked her up. i'm hoping they were able to find her owners...she had her rabies tag with the vet's number on it, but the vet apparently doesn't answer his telephone. anyway, she was cute, very friendly, very lovey. we took a nice long walk and sat on the porch and liked each other. i'd like to think that some kids somewhere will be happy to see her, but the thought keeps crossing my mind that maybe she ran away from some trashy shithole where she was kept on a short leash and fed maggot infested beef or something. her toenails were trimmed nicely and she smelled good, and her shots were quite up-to-date, so i'm hoping she's going home to be treated well. i'm a sucker for the aminals.

thunder was fun. fireworks are bitchin'. the whole lot of us met up with the fam, and managed to get a decent spot on the lawn from which to watch. on the walk there, i managed to score this beautiful "backpack straps" tan that i'm sure makes me look supersexxxy. here is a picture:

the whole hotel situation ended up being a hotel fiasco, as i might have guessed...everyone else threw in 20-30 bucks; my part ended up being $100. so there goes bonnaroo. but whatever.

my dad left me a message on saturday "hey, it's 4:20, and i'm at dairy queen." coincidence? not at all. when i eventually saw him, he said "huh huh, i called you at 4:20, huh huh...i thought you'd get a kick outta that huh huh." and i did.

oh, i almost left out my favorite part.

we were attempting to get back to our cars after the fireworks on saturday, us and the other 600,000 people who were there, and the sea of humanity was slowly moving towards a major intersection by the river. the light at said intersection turned red, halting the flow of walkers, wagon & cooler toters and drunk rednecks. when the light turned green, i took the opportunity to yell "alright people LET'S MOVE!" it had gotten relatively quiet, so my voice carried and many of the people in the crowd heard me. i heard some snickers, some full-blown laughs, etc., but the best reaction was the woman in front of me, who whipped her head around and said "HEY! we don't need any of that! we don't want anybody freaking out."


i got SHUSHED in a crowd of 600,000 drunk people! jebus h. crisp that's funny.

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