

that whole "size little" thing lasted all of a month, and now the whole "size medium" thing is on its way out. it is necessary that i begin watching what i ingest, and maybe even that i exercise a little. sucks big donkey dick, but i knew it would eventually come to this. goodbye little debbie, i will always love you.

usually, i drop weight during periods of high stress, and gain it during periods of relaxation. and so, i'm going to need you, my friends, to help me out here. i need you to stress me out. big time. tell me that you're pregnant with my dad's baby, tell me you're dropping everything to follow widespread panic around, tell me that i've got three days to live. i won't fall for any of that stuff, obviously, so try to make it believable.

and now, the answer to all of your questions:

i'm told an adult male panda does an average of eight handstands a day. those nutty pandas.

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