

this is highly unorthodox for me, but i'm doing it anyway.

i'm appealing to you, the internet, for help. help and advice regarding this little problem i seem to have. you see, i'm way too nice. if people talk to me, i tend to talk back, and it seems that i have this quality about me that makes people feel comfortable, at ease, and engaging.

so what's the problem? well, this nice-osity has, on a number of occasions, given me some trouble in the semi-stalker department. we all remember the good ol' days at transdiggydig, when crazy jp decided i was the girl he was meant to be with, and spent his days figuring out how to get me in the room so he could gawk and make weird gurgling noises. well, jp was not the first, nor was he the last ubergeek to desire, nay think they require my attention. SLW HND, whom i've referred to on this blog a few times, is the latest instance. not that he's a stalker. yet. he's been transferred out of town, and is just back in lexington for a few weeks. i'd managed to avoid him since monday when i saw his car in the parking lot, but today my cigarette craving got the best of me, and as i exited the office door, i ran smack into the dude. was he ever excited to see me! he's apparently been wondering how i'm doing, etc., which is really weird, especially considering the fact that i don't even know his real name (jujitsu? similac? refrito?) and have never consciously done anything to make him think he's got the right to "wonder how i'm doing" or think about me while he's jackin' it or whatever it is he's doing. the most i've done is reply to "hellos" and answer questions as they're posed to me, and yet, somehow, this guy thinks he's got a chance.

"we should get a lunch together sometimes."

"you should learn english, skippy."

i didn't really say that, but...

anyway, sorry if i sound all high and mighty "ooh boys like me it's so sad wah wah wah." that's not it at all. i mean i'm flattered at the thought of it, but wish i wasn't always finding myself in this position where i have to be the one to do/say something to burst some dork's love-bubble.

now comes the advice part.

how do i get out of this "lunch sometimes" and also make sure the dude knows that there's not a chance in hell? i am already curt, short, and attempt to seem disinterested in conversation, but this doesn't seem to phase him. do i say "hey skippy, not interested, please back off!" i mean, what if he's all fragile and that ends up being the thing that sends him off the deep end? you'd think he could take the hint, but it's just not working. before it gets any worse, please email me your suggestions as to how i may deal with this in a manner that makes me not the bad guy.

thanks in advance for your help.


mortimer knuttsacker

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