

"Aaaaay! My friend likeshoo! He wants yer number! Aaaay, I'm talkin' to you... Aaaaay!

one of my favorite things to say, ever. i especially enjoy yelling it out of rolled down car windows, whilst driving thru, say, campus, or somewhere else where the hos are out in full force. not sure why i just thought about it. maybe it's got something to do with the formaldehyde smell that has overtaken my office. i can taste dead in the back of my throat, it's disgusting. "why does your office smell of formaldehyde, rear admiral slappy?" you might ask... well, i guess there's formaldehyde in ink, and the boxes and boxes of brochures that were just delivered to me are covered in, well... ink. so yeah, i'm getting loopy. maybe it's got something to do with disgusting chemicals, maybe it's got something to do with the eight fruit rollups i've eaten today.

oh, here's your steve the cat update: we went to the vet on friday, and it turns out he had some bite wounds from a brawl with some other cat (probably that asshole tabby that's always sleeping under my house). now, cat bite wounds are apparently a horrid thing, not just prone to infection, more like guaranteed infection. but he's been on the antibiotic regime since then, so he's expected to be fully recovered within the next couple of days. i still feel all bad for him, with the whining and crying and limping, and i'm keeping him locked up in the house until he's back to normal. he hates it. for about ten minutes at a time, he hates me. that's okay, he'll thank me when that lucrative kitty paw modeling contract comes through. when we're rich, we'll let you all come swim in our gritty kitty pool.

enough for now, i suck at this whole "having a blog" thing, and sometimes i wish it would just die.

and a doot-doot-doodley-oo...

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