

i'm in a bit of a cheese coma. cheese pizza, and lots of it. and enough root beer to kill a small child. yum.

i'm tired and a little dirty today. i got up at 6:30, let the animals in/out, fed them, etc., turned the tv on to check out the weather and sat down on the couch with the big ol' blanket, and the next thing i know i'm waking up and it's 8:44, which is right around the time i'm supposed to be leaving for work. so i'm a big mess of bedhead and near-stink. and in a cheese coma. it's awesome.

i get to dress up in all black and kill one of my best friends tonight. for a movie, that is. i asked if, instead of wearing the required "all black" killer costume, he'd mind if i just dressed up like a unicorn, to which he replied "uh...what color's the unicorn costume?"

oh one last thing.

dear dude in the men's bathroom (which happens to share a wall with my side of the office): STOP WITH THE HORRIBLE NOISES! IT CAN'T BE THAT BAD, YOUR COLON IS ONLY SO BIG. YOU'RE MAKING ME WANT TO VOMIT PIZZA! i've lived with a lot of dudes, the best of the best when it comes to crapping, and you're just being overly dramatic.

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