

this weekend was pretty fun. just watched a movie and went to bed early on friday night, then saturday was target browsing (and a little buying) and an evening reds game with pops. that was fun. roger "the rocket" clemens pitched for the astros, and as much as i like him, i was glad the redlegs didn't give him the big "W." i enjoy ball games much more when my team wins.

yeah, so that was fun. got back in town around 1am, stopped by the cheryl inn to meet loki samson, one of two new puppies gracing the inn with their adorable presence. yes, so bed around 2:30ish, and then up again at 9 when the bloomfields showed up to saw, hammer and otherwise make loud noise in the backyard. gatti town with mark & taylor maylor, where we didn't ride the bumper cars or play the ticket jackpot game or skeeball...

and then more movies (i highly recommend american splendor) and a slight break for a trip to kroger and payless. five dollar shoes yeehah. i've got them on now, they're giving me blisters.

anyway, i bought some flowers yesterday. a basket of lantana and a basket of multi-colored dahlias (my faves). i'm hoping they'll get huge and will completely obliterate the nasty red geraniums z's mom planted out front yesterday. of all the flowers on this earth, geraniums are my absolute least favorite. i would never buy them, ever. not even if i was 85 years old and wore elastic everything. i saw her putting them in and was so tempted to run out there screaming "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!," but it's her house, technically. i've been thinking about just taking george out there and maybe pouring some bacon grease on them just in case he's not interested right off the bat. "i'm sorry, mrs. b, i guess i just wasn't looking and he ate all of your beautiful geraniums!"

i'm about to open up the microsoft paint and make some pictures for all my fans. i'll post 'em if they're worth it.

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