

it's hot in here.

anyone else think so?

sheeeiiiiiiiiit, i'm burning up.

alright, anyway, it's been a nice day. g-man's out of town for the whole week, he's the stuffy one who cares how i dress and insists that i work full days. big daddy, the other boss, comes and goes and thinks i should do the same. when it's just me and him, the pressure goes WAY down, and i actually kind of remember why i liked this job in the first place.

i've played some games, done quite a bit of work, and run some errands. i'm much more productive when i work at my own pace.

but enough of this, i'm going home. it better not be hot there, too, or else i'm gonna start worrying about my hormonal levels. i mean, i'm 24, what the fuck is it, hot flashes?

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