

don't you know? ain't gonna stop until i'm satisfied...

what a crap day. crap crap crap. god, thank you for giving us that word...i don't know what i'd do without it.

i had a nice lunch with mr. boomfield, who treated me to some delicious pasta plus (i had the gobbler, it has cream cheese on it). thanks, mr. b. then we went to wal-mart, where i bought some fire extinguishers, blank cds and batteries for the office, and z and i stocked up on munchies for the road trip. so the lunching hour was totally acceptable and un-crap. but then i had to come back to work.

oh, meantime, i talked to "maaa," who was over at the grandparents' house playing nurse, and she sounds sooo excited to see me, and didn't even ask what my plans were for when i'm there. who knows, maybe she's grown up a little since a month or two ago and she's gonna be perfectly tolerable this time around. maybe.

come to marikka's tonight, folks. even if i hate you, come anyway. i'll at least give you some kind of dirty look or talk about you real loud while you're standing off a few feet away from me. and there's BEER there. lots of BEER. i'm leaving tomorrow, it's the least you can do.

and that's all i've got for now. well, there's more, but i just don't feel like messing around with this thing right now. sayonara, mis amigos.

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