

i hate this stupid bra. it's one of those strapless jobbies that doesn't like to stay up--you know what i'm talking about. no matter how big your bubbins get, you can't get the damn thing to stop sliding down your back. i think i'll have to get rid of it during my next "bathroom break."

haha, i thought about that yesterday. i must take, like, 18 "bathroom breaks" per day. i never say "hey bosses, i'm gonna go smoke and dick around in my car for a while," instead i say "i'm gonna go use the restroom real quick, be right back." this is much more legitimate, and if i don't get caught, they never have a clue. and on these "bathroom breaks," i am free to take my sweet ass time, because my old-man bosses are not about to ask me why i took so long relieving myself (except maybe steve, he's ridiculously inappropriate sometimes). though i must say, i've been much more likely to throw in a post-cig visit to the actual loo the last couple of weeks. i've been peeing like some kind of pee-machine. i assume it's all the juice i've been ingesting. dew is temporarily out and juice is the new dew.

why swear off dew, you ask? well, i'll tell you--i hate their new commercial staring the world's lamest actor ever, mr. steven seagal. you know the one--he's in the convenience store with his hair plugs and fake tan and the ethnic cashier like, wants something or something and seagal assumes he wants an autograph, and there may be some martial arts involved. i can't watch it; i don't really remember much more than that.

most heinous thing ever. shame on you, dew.

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