

i wish i could find more celebrity gossip sites like defamer. it's hard to waste away your day when you look at the same twenty or so sites over and over and over and over again in rapid succession. i do enjoy the celebrity gossip though. whether it's lindsay lohan's boobs or mary kate and ashley's latest hijinx, or the poop on who's doing whom and all that action... i can't get enough. it's helpful when playing jeopardy or trivial pursuit, too.

take this story, for example... it's like comedy gold.

on other fronts, i may go drink lots of beers (hopefully free beers) at marikka's with boom and ern and bung and maybe black z. and if i'm not asleep in my own lap by 10, i may even hang around for the big game, which i will try to rig using the power of temporal stasis.

note to self: grab cd's for the car! this is imperative!


Hey I saw your profile, you seem really funny and pretty HAWT! You write like a dude, though. Until I did some digging through Crapfest 2000, I thought you were a dude. I'm kind of glad you aren't! Now I get to have an internet crush that isn't a guy!
so i didn't go to marikka's. :( it got late, the jousting made me sleepy, and then also, i remembered i had a date with helle the lady doctor today, and i needed to be well-rested and not full of alcohol. so, i guess what i'm trying to say is, i'm sorry peoples.
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