

in retrospect, i think i can officially say that this was in fact the Best 4th of July Weekend Ever. wow. i mean, it was fucking great. good food, good people, lots of exploding--all weekend long. i can't find a damn thing to complain about, but that's been happening a whole lot lately in general ;)

friday was spent at the homestead, cleaning up and watching all of da ali g show episodes on hbo on demand... zack and i tried the whole downtown fun thing on saturday, but we were both too too hot to make it very long, so we got our hawaiian shave ices and called it a day. jism came down on saturday evening and accompanied mr. and ms. bloompsey over to cool granny's house, where we ate gigantic mid-rare burgers and drank good wine. then the three of us young'ns went down into the field and set off the show for the old folks on the porch. i played mama to the little neighorboy who wanted to do sparklers while simultaneously holding his hands over his ears. that was fun.

what then? oh yes, back home to drink ourselves to sleep, and then up early on sunday to get to dad's. we started drinking around 2, and didn't stop til 3 in the morning. people showed up, people left, there was volleyball, there were bottle rockets, there was attempted baby-killing. zack and i thought we'd be funny and try to get dad back for nonchalantly tossing packs of black cats into our volleyball game. we both tossed them in the exact same place about six feet behind him, he had know clue. at that precise moment, j-bun threw the frisbee, just a little high, forcing my dad to back up about six feet, right into our little fireworks hell. he caught the frisbee and sustained no injuries, so it ended up just being funny.

crap, sunday was fun. til we had to try to sleep on a leather couch in the 80-degree basement, that sucked. amy got trashed. that was hilarious. she's agreed to come down and help me with my closet situation, and i'm gonna hold her to it.

got back into town at 1:15 yesterday, just in time to park and get to the 1:20 showing of farenheit... at the kentucky. really enjoyed that, of course, but i hate to linger on political hooey... and then went home to watch bubba ho-tep and eat donatos. so all in all, the weekend was a great success. i'm feeling tip-top, got some stuff to look forward to in the very near future, and work is fairly quiet.

and now, you all know what i did this weekend (even though 90% of you were there for at least some part of it), and i can get back to scratching my bug bites.

oh yeah, my dad told us this story about how he got "molested" by his buddy's mom (from the sounds of it, it was more like voluntary molestation) when he was, like 18, and then the next week she shot and killed her ex-husband. nuts.

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