

it was supposed to rain today, so we stayed up relatively late... dumb dumb dumb. i'm tired again, and no rain means no rain-out for z, which means i don't have a pizza buffet partner AGAIN.

jism called me today...it seems one of my archnemeses from high school is back in la'ville and in one of his classes. really, she was a good buddy, we had lots in common, but then, i "stole her boyfriend." i never quite got that, since she never bothered informing anyone about her big crush on nathan (pronounced "naaah-thin"), and then when he and i got together, she decided to hate it up and talk a bunch of shit about both of us. we did make a deal long, long ago. we said "no matter where we are or what we're doing, if we haven't talked in ten years or whatever, we will both show up at our reunion to egg kr1st1n d03hn3rt's car." you know, it wouldn't surprise me if that's exactly how things go. i kind of missed her over the years. we used to fuck some shit up.


you hack3r you. i would egg kristin donuts face, hair, and upper chest area if i had the chance. only i wouldnt use eggs, if you know what i mean.

iggity iggity, alllllriiight.

--quagmire again
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