

let me tell you, there is nothing like getting bare-ass spanked awake in the morning. i guess he thought i was already awake, but no, i was sleeping quite soundly, thank you very much.

Z: SUH-LLLAAAAAPPPP! "bye, babe."


...and then i went back to sleep and dreamed that my dad was driving a whole bunch of us out to dinner in this big van with the seats all folded down. there was a lot of luggage and i was constantly trying to rearrange the stuff so we could all sit comfortably. dad kept pulling u-ies, making really sharp turns and otherwise driving like a jackass. and then my alarm went off (z has "buzzer," i have "ocean sounds") and my dream translated that "rushing water" sound into reba suddenly exclaiming that she had peed everywhere.

and on that note, i've had enough of friday morning. come on 5 o'clock.

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