

i am SO btpo.

h00r@y 4 int3rn3t j@rg0n! i really am btpo, thought. just call me sleepy-puss.

someone (stevie) asked for an update on life, "post-steve." it's actually funny that should come up, i've had a few weird steve-the-cat-related things going on lately. for example: i woke up in the middle of the night on sunday, having just had a dream in which steve the cat spoke to me. he asked why i haven't been coming out to see him. he was right, i hadn't been. truth is, i feel kinda silly walking thru the dogdoo to pine over my lost kitty. but, it's what steve wants, he told me, so i'll start doing it again. george manages to rough up the rock formation sometimes with his running anyway, so there's the maintenance factor.

you folks may think it's silly, missing a dumb animal so much. to you i say, "eat shit," cuz you just don't get it. you see, steve was the closest thing to family i've got around here. if everything else were to fall to shit, at least i could still count on those little furry things to be there when i woke up. in addition, this is the first time i've had a "member of the family" die on me. yeah, my uncle offed himself last summer, but i barely knew him. he didn't sleep on my head at night, you know? so i guess i'm lucky, having made it this far in life with all of those closest to me intact. this is the first real LOSS i've had to deal with. but i'll tell you, it definitely makes things like "breaking up with your boyfriend" or other nonsense seem much less important in the scheme of things.

shit, i'm trying to write here and karla is having some sort of conniption. sometimes i want to kill that bitch. i ain't 'fraid to say it.

anyway, steve the cat. for the most part, i've managed not to cry for a couple of weeks, things are definitely a lot easier and i don't bum out so much, but it's like a totally different scene now. it's still lame every time i pull in the driveway and there's no big fat fatty reclining on the porch awaiting my return and the subsequent kitty-love. i miss that. i miss it a lot. i say "for the most part" up there because i had a bit of a weepy relapse this morning. it's probably just the estrogen overflow, but z fed molly this morning and put the food in the "steve side" of the dish. molly wouldn't eat it. i had to move it over to her side before she'd stop mewing and just stick her face in it. and that made me bawl. i eventually migrated, with molly, to her "blanket," aka the bathroom rug, where we laid together and missed the fat one. but anyway...

i'm still working on getting some pictures scanned/ edited/ resized, and eventually there will be a totally hilarious steve the cat tribute page, over there with the elephants doing it. keep your eyes peeled. i'm not sure how long it's gonna be, as i'm totally addicted to DoingThingsOtherThanTheThingsIShouldBeDoing, but it'll be good.

i feel like i've said this before--karla wears WAY TOO MUCH perfume. i just said "could you stand over there, your perfume is nauseating me," and she said "hmmm, i don't even have any on." heh. i call shenanigans.

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