

little fury

hooray for the christian chicken place. tho' i was thinking about schmra's cool idea for t-shirts espousing the glories of satan, and decided it might be fun to further the concept. yes, the t-shirts, but what if we were to--stay with me here--wear the t-shirts into ch1k-f1l-a?!?! can you imagine the mind-bending craziness that could occur? would we be ejected? would god smite us with all of his masterful power? would anyone cheer, or even laugh for that matter? if i had to guess, i would say someone in that place would find it hysterical. they can't all be bibly.

but the chicken. it's soooo good.

moving on... the wall is half done, in case anyone wondered. we ran out of blocks very quickly after we arrived. once we get the last pallet, we'll finish the stackin' and get to the dirt packin'. as if you care. for the record, however, my gloits are sore as a mo'fo' today, and i have twin big ol' blisters on my middle fingers.

so they have matching band-aids.

isn't that cute?

today, i feel like that one smiley. you know, this one:


pickles don't belong on chicken sandwiches.

goooooo wendy's!
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