

work is for suckers

that's right, i said it. work can just go on and die, for all i care. DIE, WORK!!!!!

i'm protesting the whole concept of "work" today, by taking an extra-long lunch, going to pick up some "hydro" on the clock (NOT during my extra-long lunch, on a totally separate jaunt!), and of course, fake-scrabbling. i'm winning a lot lately, which is always good news. losing makes me wanna smash things.

so, who'd like to join me in my arduous struggle against the 9-5 work machine? if we just keep showing up and doing the things that need to be done, then how will we ever change the system? oh wait, we can't change the system, i forgot-- those pigfucking christians won't have it. haha, i wasn't gonna talk about that, but i did. damn.

so i had this idea (zack sorta planted the seed, i just took it a little further) that it would be totally bitchin to do christmas costumes this year. i think i'd wanna be the unicorn of christmas, or maybe tae-bo jesus.

pooty-poo-poo. have a good weekend everyone. i'll be relaxing maybe baking. we'll see.


Tae-Bo Jesus is my band's name.

I would come visit and dress as 'Hannukah Harry'.
But i wouldnt be able to trim my scrimps for months-- ya know, cuz i would have to be hairy.
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