

i caught you a delicious bass...

i forget a lot of things. i've been in denial about it for years, but i think i'm finally getting to the point where it's safe to say one of the following things:

1) the old age cometh! 25 is soon, and we all know, 25=dead.


2) maybe i'm a bit of a stoner after all.

both of the explanations above are scary in their own right. this whole "old woman" thing is relatively new and uncharted territory, and i guess i'd just better get used to the fact that, in addition to possible forgetfulness, it's gonna be all saddlebags and extra chins and widening asses from here on out. woohoo. but the stoner thing? that can't be it. that's my thing, man, is that i've always been able to chong-it-up like it's my job, all the while maintaining my ability to function and keep my shit reasonably straight.

and yet, the forgetting! it's getting a lot worse lately. granted, the things i'm forgetting are relatively mundane and non-life-threatening, for example--every day, i pull a dew out of the fridge to take with me to work...three days out of five last week i somehow managed to leave my dew laying around elsewhere in the house, thereby creating a massive headachular effect due to inadequate caffeine intake. lame! and then today, i'm walking out of the house on my lunch break...i'd stopped by there SPECIFICALLY to get the dvds i forgot this morning. i was there for ten minutes, i said hello to mr. bongenstein (read that carefully, it's a secret code name), and then got halfway back to work before i realized...wait for it... yep, no dvds.

acting stupid makes me feel stupid.

anyway, enough about my waning brain power, let us now switch gears completely and talk a little bit about something that i hold very close to my heart: delicious wine.

i can see why it's been so popular throughout the history of civilization, seeing as how it's just so incredibly tasty. i just went to the liquor barn to buy some gifts and stock our wine rack, and i did very well, i must say. i purchased almost an entire case (after you buy 6, you get 5% off all of them!), and every bottle i got is rated above an 87. which is good, so they say. i've never really gone by that whole rating scale thing, cuz i figured it was just some scam the mormons were running or something, but i figured, "what the hell, it's christmas!" so i only got stuff that's been deemed worthy by the secret panel of wine judges. the best part is, i did enough digging and examination that i found the vast majority of them for under 10 dollars. i splurged a little on the gifty ones, but as for our own personal stash, price matters not. get a couple of glasses in me and i'm good to go--you could pour me red kool aid spiked with everclear after that and i might not even notice.

wait, yeah, i'd probably notice.

so, okay. i've been here most of the day, i've done ONE work-related thing (it involved printing out an invoice and putting it in an envelope AND THEN--god this is exciting--putting a stamp on it and taking it to the post office!), and i'm thinking my boss will cut me loose any second now. i'm hoping.

i've got baking to do and wine to drink! so that's where i'll be, if anyone should need me for anything.

i apologize for the craposity of my posts lately... things are quiet and pretty generally good, and i don't have much to say, but i'm so bored i'm looking for anything to kill time. blogging works for that. totally.


That is my favorite N.D. line. GOSH!
You know I'm training to be a cage fighter.
So, I just randomly woke up (it's almost 3am) with all the lights still on and whatnot, and figured I'd smoke a bowl to help myself fall asleep. My stoned surfings brought me to your blog, and I must say, I'm very amused. You remind me of me in a lot of ways! The good ways, don't worry. Except the age thing, maybe. I guess I'm closing in on old lady age as well. Damn. High five on liking Mr. Show and the Breeders, though. That's awesome.

/blows some smoke your way
Hey dude,

I think your posts are way funny. Don't apologize for being "boring" or whatever.

By the way, I saw a magenta Sacred Heart Jesus bank covered in the velvet-y material at Sqecial the other day. I think it was less than $10; it would add to your religious icon collection nicely.

very nice... i'll have to go check that out. thanks.
and also, that's ironic, innit? putting money into some religious jesus thing? i mean, i feel like it should be ironic. right? what?
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