

life, episode nine
aka "a brief overview of a whole bunch of crap, abridged for her pleasure"

it's monday again. it's always monday again.

anyway, first order of business, i have a request for humanity. please, humanity, stop with the killing of 8-months pregnant woman and scooping out of their babies, please stop with the shooting-up of nightclubs where people are just trying to rock out, and please stop with the making of the sex with animals--i mean, think about the animals for chrissake, they don't want to be doing it with you. and also, please stop with all of the other totally fucked up shit you know you're not supposed to do, it's just not that cool, i don't care what anybody says.

moving on, this weekend was fun. my christmas shopping's pretty much done, and i've even finished with the wrapping! the annual company party came and went, and once again i ate beef and drank lots of alcohols, and as usual, big daddy had a few totally questionable drunken outbursts that made me laugh to the point of tears. i got my christmas cards in the mail, finished my first real-life non-practice cross-stitch project, copied about a hundred dvds for myself, for z, and for assorted peoples' christmas presents. in short, i was very productive. and now, i go limp until february, so if you want something you're gonna have to come and drag my ass off of the couch using candy or homemade macaroni and cheese as delicious bait.

and for my last story, jesse and taylor and i managed to sing (harmonies and all) every single bit of queen's "bohemian rhapsody" while standing in line at kohl's on saturday. i really hope that someone in our general vicinity appreciated it and went home and told their family and friends of the aural pleasure bestowed upon them in the checkout line.


"jesse and taylor and i managed to sing (harmonies and all) every single bit of queen's "bohemian rhapsody" while standing in line at kohl's"

totally impressed.

i demand an encore at the party on saturday!
super secret software that i don't wanna talk about on the superweb--they might be listening. i'll email you in the morning...
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