

we should just get the last two weeks of december off and chalk it up as a loss...

nothing ever happens. people get lazy, including me! the parking lot at work is pretty empty and everyone takes two hour lunch breaks if they bother showing up at all.

i myself am at home, watching soap operas and playing with the aminals. i'm determined to get a picture of molly actually looking at the camera. it's hard to do now that she automatically associates the sound of the camera turning on with the big red grid that flashes to test the light before each shot. it's like a laser pointer, only GIGANTIC. she's fascinated. george is farting--a lot--and that's all i have to say about him right now.

i was trying to use the mirror in the bathroom to reflect the magical red grid in a spot where i could get a picture of me AND the cat, both of us looking at the camera, but she bailed off the side of the sink at the last second. so what we end up with is a picture showcasing my deep religious fervor, greasy hair and really dirty mirror. i think i like it.


it looks like jeebus is lit up like a christmas tree in this picture.... maybe you could ebay it for 10,000,000 dollars to the fanatics around the world.
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