

moving things around for no good reason and the art of the two hour lunch break

nothing's going on in the good ol' office today, so, rather than spend another eight hours looking at the computer, i decided to do a little cleaning and rearranging. as usual, i got myself in a little deeper than expected and ended up with five bags of trash (mostly old phone books and papers, papers, papers) and a halfway-new setup. my tape deck (yes, my job involves a tape deck, aren't you jealous?) and shipping supplies have been relocated, and i got rid of a telephone and a small buttload of file folders. my hands got really dirty, i smashed the shit out of my thumb, and i fell off of a chair and busted my ass while attempting a rather delicate climbing maneuver.

and now i'm at home enjoying a long lunch. working for an uber-small business has its perks, including the fuzzy lunch hours. usually, i let the bosses go do their thing, and they take care of that from noon til 1:30ish, then i go home and head back about 2:30. however, there are some days, like today, that they both take off at 12:30ish, and i take off shortly thereafter. they get back at 1:30 and call me, i say "yeah, i just got home, left the office around ten after one" and voila, i don't have to go back til after 2. that's what i call magic.

they will read this one day and fire me, i'm sure of it. but then again, i DO rearrange things and dust every now and then, that's gotta be worth something.

haha, "delicate climbing maneuver." it was awesome, you should've been there.

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