

someone wrote "wang" on the wall of the ladies' bathroom, and it wasn't me!

my mouth hurts. i'm currently frantic, trying to make arrangements to have my three remaining wisdom teeth removed. it is time. i'm also trying to work it so that i can maximize my time off work. there will be no friday afternoon surgery/ weekend recovery for this biatch, no sir. i can totally handle pain for a few days, especially if it comes with drugs and tv.

in other news, there have been very dramatic, worthy of friday's episode soap opera goings-on here at the ol' place of work. if only we had an office monkey for the comic effect, i might actually be able to stomach sitting here all day long everyday. cheating and lying and general shenanigans have come to light, and some people are very unhappy. and one boss thinks the other may be bugging him. like, as in recording his conversations. is this shit for real?

oh, i guess i haven't posted since v-day. for those who are curious, it was without a doubt the loveliest i've ever experienced. i've never really been much of a romantic or anything, and definitely tend to date people of the same general mindset, so it was pretty foreign territory and all... chocolate covered strawberries and dinner and sweet sweet sweetness... yes, fun was had by all. it was just a really good day from start to finish, and i realized i'm a pretty lucky girl.

i know, i know...

so anyway, i'm starting to get pretty excited about going to see slint next week. it's a pain in the arse to have to drive to louisville and back on a "school night," and i'm freaking out a little about how much fun z's gonna have, not knowing anything about them and all. but i must give him props for being all gung-ho about it anyway. hope he's not disappointed do you hear me, slint? you better play good OR ELSE!.

i'm practicing my subliminal messaging tactics. i think i know someone who would be proud.


that's pretty sweet.

did you take a picture?
Sounds like you have some interesting shit going on at work. Keep us updated!
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