


i'm beginning to think the best time to post is during the early hours of the mornin', wherein i am lounging around in my robe and waiting until the last possible second to get dressed and go to work. to my credit, today was Day One of my new "regime," which involves getting up when the boy does (5 effin 30, people) and actually leaving the house for a quick walk/run/jog/stroll thing. eventually, it may become a standard run/jog thing, once i get all the lazies out. the weather's getting better, the sun's out lately, and frankly, i could use some hardening in the muscular areas.

so there you have it. i'm a runner now. and there's a plan in the works that involves two people living in this house simultaneously quitting with the smoking of the cigs. not cold turkey, oh no no no, we're both way too in love with the nicotine. we'll be trying the gum or the patch or something, whichever has a better looking package at the store, most likely. yes, beginning the day of the wisdom extraction, we'll be raging nic-fitting lunatics. we're kind of resigned to the idea that we'll be even bigger p0th3ads for a time--you know, to like counter-balance the raging lunacy--which hopefully will ease the transition. wish us luck.

in other news, the next month or so is shaping up to be quite fun. this weekend, we prepare for a camping hootenany, to occur next weekend (yeeees, easter weekend--sorry jeebus, can't make it to church this year) in some undisclosed virginia forest with lots and lots of camping-out-of-the-car type goodies. if all goes according to the plan, there will be quite a few of us in attendance, a virtual ewok village 2000 if you will.

so that's next weekend, after friday night's birthday dinner extravaganza at z's parents' house. they're gonna make me whatever i want, provided that whatever i want is not too fat-laden or full of butter. um... yeah. anyone who knows me will know right away--this could be a very difficult decision for the sausage and bacon and fat-loving slappy. i suppose i can make do.

upon our return from "the gathering," i will begin preparations for the wisdom extraction, which i'm hoping will go swimmingly, leaving me with little pain and uncomfortability and thus maximizing my fun whilst not working. z's got the day of the surgery off (i didn't even have to ask him, how sweet is that) to wipe the drool from my face, neck and chest. i plan to drool a lot. my actual 25th birthday will be spent at home, alone, with nothing to keep me company but glorious daytime television (lord i miss the college years, and all of the daytime television i had at my fingertips) and the fuzzy memories of the first quarter of my life. joy.

moving on, i'd better be right back up to snuff come the first weekend in april, cuz jism's coming to town! he needs a break, i can tell. that boy's busier than anyone i know and deserves some lex-vegas brand boring-time "fun." he doesn't know this yet, but we're going to see sin city, which had better be as cool as it looks. cuz it looks soooooooo cool.

so, that's what's up with me. oh, and there's The Secret Plan. but that's a secret.

i'm gonna shower now. my l'oreal kids brand orange mango smoothie shampoo be calling my name. it gets the tangles out and doesn't sting my eyes! neat-o!


I have a bunch of nicogum left over that I never used if you want it. It is mint flavored.
"...a virtual ewok village 2000 if you will."
Yes, I will. Also, I will shoot soup out my nose while at work, and when I try to explain, no one else will think it's that funny.
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