

a bottle of wine and a cheese log

it's been a while since i drunkj posted. drunk posted/ drunk posted.

yes, a bottle of wine between the hours of 8 and 10, all to myself, save for two sips which were donated to the cause (z needed to wash down some crackers). i don't drink much lately, so i've
kind of gotten spinny. very very spinny. one eye is open and the other is totally asleep. you know what i'm saying?

anyway, here's a nice picture of what tomorrow morning's breakfast may or may not have looked like at some point in the past. thank you, mr. piggy. you go good with cinnamon rolls.

and also,k i'm thinking about planting a bunch of shit in theh yard, but i'm not sure if i'm ready to commit to anyting that heavy just yet. i'd hate to put all that effort into it and just have to leave for some random reason. rhododendrons. peachy orangish ones. i like 'em.

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