

my mouf-- it be hurtin'!!!!

yo yo yo. just sittin' here with ice on my cheeks, waiting for the most recent percosetesque thing to kick in so that maybe, just maybe i can finally eat some of the ginormous bowls of jello i made this morning. i mixed up peach and apricot, it looks soooo tasty. z just went to get me some more gauze, wait, no he just got back. haven't had a cig since 8am, but man oh man do i want one. i still plan to try not to, even tomorrow when the doc said i could. but we'll see how that goes.

i slept all morning into the early afternoon, but now i'm quite awake, not really feeling so bad except for my lower left jaw where the cutting happened. it's definitely hurty, to say the least.

but enough about that.

um, other things that have been happening include: new girl at work! yay! she started last friday part-time, but i won't see her again until next week cuz she's going to bristol w/ her bf for nascar action. she's really nice, so i'm not gonna hold that against her ;) i've really missed having someone to sit up front with, but it's gonna be lots of work getting her all set up and fixing some of the stuff i'd nig-rigged for my own lazy purposes. oh well, it's all for the best.

this weekend was really nice, and very very productive! friday night, z's mom and dad cooked me birthday dinner--filets and grilled asparagus and baked potatoes and sauteed portobellos. yum! and they gave me birthday money, also very nice of them. after dinner we stuck around long enough to watch duke get beat. you suck, duke! then we went home to watch the kentucky game, of which we made it through exactly half. woke up on the couch all drooly (both of us, that is) and mosied upstairs to finish the night out. not that we had much time, cuz our new windows were coming at 8 am the next morning and we had to be up. but we made it up. anyway, the new windows kick much ass, mostly because they are clean. the storm doors are coming tomorrow. what else what else. well, saturday after the window men started, we left to visit nad yespoc (aka my dad for those unfamiliar with my many and various nicknames for each other), played his "new" (from ebay) atari 2600 for and hour or so, colored easter eggs and went out for mexican. we then left there, cuz z was meeting up with some workfolks for pool and what turned out to be gin-stravaganza 2005. let's just say that when the alarm went off at 7:30 the next morning, z was 100% still drunk. and we had to get ready for church. hehe. it went okay, as best as it could've i guess. after the service, ma bl00mfi3ld made some creamed eggs on toast with bacon (don't even ask, it's the best shit ever) and sunday morning hot bread and we ate it up. went to see z's grandmother in the old folks home, where i had a very old man tell me he loved me twice and then walked thru the little private room we'd retreated to saying "oooh my gahd. OH lord." and looking at me and shaking his head, and we all seemed to agree that he was being a creepy old dude in a sexual type way. it was unsettling, yet comical. you know how that goes.

shooo, so that was sunday (except for the rest of it, which we spent laying on the couch watching movies). got up this morning, went to work and got my paycheck, and then headed to the doctist (the doctor dentist). so you're caught up now. i'll try to blog some more later, iffin' i can.

funasaurus maximus, signing out. cheerio.


Happy B-day!
spanks! so far it's been good, i had ice cream for breakfast and i plan on killing the jello for lunch. dinner might be yogurt. joy!
PS: I offer you the following Fasting/Just-got-teeth-out/recently-punched-in-gut birthday broth recipe: 1 can hippie (hippie = freerange/local/organic) chicken stock, 1 teaspoon hippie honey, 2 tablespoons orange zest, 2 tablespoons Sriracha HOT Chili sauce. Add Croutons to palate preference. The end. Happy B-Day!
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