

say it with me now, "CHO-DUH"

i just love people who throw big or obscure words around to sound cool. freakin' gaylords. i on the other hand, throw big or obscure words around for poetic reasons. i speak in iambic pentameter, just in case you all hadn't noticed.

anywho, the weekend is over. i am making a sad face. let's review then. friday, i ate filet mignon--it was delicious. saturday, z and i went to a number of assorted home and garden-type retailers, browsing through and sometimes purchasing things for the house. we're like, old and stuff. saturday night, as you may already be aware, i drank way too much wine and ended up diddlin' around on the computer at 2am. you may call me a loser, i don't care. sunday, ern and i went to the mall for entirely too long, and i spent a lot of money. i had good intentions, really. you see, my buddy victoria, who has a secret, sent me $10 in birthday money for being such a loyal customer. i could not in good conscience let that free birthday money go unspent! so 10 free birthday bucks turned into me charging 70 bucks worth of stuff that no one will ever see. and you can't just go to one store, oh no. especially not when ern is there and every store has nine million tank tops in assorted shapes and colors.

so i guess that covers it all. i am currently just chillaxing after a busy morning of "office managing," waiting for 4:30 to come so i can sneak outta here. tonight my plans include eating a ridiculous amount of girl scout cookies and changing the cat litter.

i hope you're all having an exorbitantly propitious day!



mmmmm, tank tops and girl scout cookies...very tasty!
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