

wow, three posts in one day!

quick shoutout to ross mcf, who apparently stumbled upon the fest at some point... people are actually reading this! i mean, besides the normal five or six of ya'. ross, i tried to find a way to email you or something, but to no avail. thanks for the niceness and the link... i've gotten quite a few extra hits thanks to you. hit a bitch up, if you feel like it.

so anyway, i had two big fat petron margaritas with lunch today, courtesy of the (good) boss man. it's been a while since i imbibed the alky-hall, and thus, i am appropriately buzzed. so, who wants to come up to my office and make some prank calls?

heh, i've been thinking... if i were to try to categorize the crapfest kinda like dooce does, i'd probably organize it based on the first word of each post, namely, "yeah," "so anyway," and "yo."

weekend, people... weekend. buffalo chili, here i come.


yes.. there are prying eyes perusing your site... and smiling.
Yep me too and as a frequest guest I'm requesting the Dude-ly McDudenstien Maninator story you promised.
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