

i'm getting sick of having to come up with clever titles...

i'm so unfocused. what should i write about?!?!?!

well, the weekend was good. tiring, but good. we're pretty much gutting the outside of the house and starting from scratch... ripped out trees and bushes, tilled, planting to happen sometime in the next couple of weeks; ripped out all of the old gutters in anticipation of the NEW! IMPROVED! gutters; threw away two whole trailer loads full of junk, from wood to cinderblocks and pokey things... it was very productive and my biceps are throbbing, presumably because they are engorging with blood as they grow to mammoth proportions. i'm gonna be like chyna from wrestling.

i also checked out the NEW! "off broadway shoe whorehouse" out in developmentville, it's the biggest baddest-ass shoe store lexington has ever seen. i highly recommend it, especially if you're a girl with a burgeoning shoe addiction.

otherwise, i'm working. fuckin' work. it gets no better, even when they almost double your salary, lemme tell 'ya. it's quiet for now, all of the dudes have gone to lunch and today's a "no helper" day, so i'm left to my own nefarious devices. i enjoyed a donato's individual pizza just now, and soon i will embark on a journey homeward, where i will watch a bit of the soaps and maybe joust.

i've been doing really well with my costumery lately, dresses and heels most days, but jeans and heels if i'm feelin' lazy. the funnest part of this particular story is this: for the last couple of weeks, what with the poison ivy and the hardworkin' action, my legs have been all but covered in a spectacular boo-boo collection that makes me look not unlike c0urtn3y l0v3 from the butt down... so they've got their "young professional" sitting up front to greet clients, but damn does she ever look like a crackwhore. oh the ironing.

boom, i will comment here rather than emailing... the unicorn thing? hilarious. i spit out milk.


I just pray that you don't also wind up with Chyna's freakish girl-penis. D:
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