

i'm rich biatch!

so at one point in the not-so-distant past, i said (aloud, but not to my bosses), "i will not continue to work [at gaytime dot gay] for a penny less than 35,000 AND some office help." i figured that was a ridiculous request- a 26% raise AND asking them to pay someone else in addition to my lazy ass. it was my magic excuse to eventually quit... they would offer me 28K maybe or they would refuse to hire anyone else unless i dropped back down to hourly pittance, thereby effecting my glorious exodus.


well today, they called my bluff. i'm now officially making MORE THAN 35K, and i also got a new employee to share the load. they even retroacted the raise a month, so i got a bonus paycheck. money money money money. MONEY! (you're supposed to sing that part).

well now, does this mean i'm stuck at gaytime dot gay forever? oh no, my friends. all this means is that i can make (and save?) more money while i'm training the new blood... and quit at my leisure.

is the plan.

we'll see how this works out. i'm a little worried they're going to take this as their chance to load me up with brand new and previously unimagined responsibilities, like buying and setting up and babysitting a bunch of servers. they don't even know what servers are, but they want 'em bad.

anywho, if you see me out at a bar or something, hit me up for a beer. i'm totally loaded and shit, dawg.


hahahahhahahahahah "see me out at a bar..." that is some funny shit.
Damn. Can I borrow some mojo?
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