

uppin' adam

7:21 am at this post's start... that reminds me of a semi-funny story, or at least a story that will clue you in a little more to my particular brand of humor and self-entertainment. in 8th grade, i had this watch--nothing special, just a plastic analog thing with no bells and whistles to speak of... anyway, the summer after 8th grade, that watch stopped working, surely because the battery died. well, i never quite bothered to get it fixed; instead i wore it for the next year and a half, the big and little hands permanently affixed at the "7" and just a hair past the "4," respectively. and anytime anyone, be it my dad, a teacher, that cute junior on my bus on whom i had a big-ass crush--anyone-- would ask what time it was, i would reply that it was, at that moment, "7:21." those who knew better would show immediate signs of self-doubt and make me show them the watch, and would often take minutes to realize that nothing on it was moving. it was 7:21 for a really long time, and i really liked it that way.

moving on, this time change thing is messing with me a little. i'm not as tired as i should be come bedtime, and my head isn't waking me up at the agreed-upon hour (7:40, if you must know)... i'm up today cuz z overslept (again) and woke up at 6:45 all "shit! goddamn it, motherfucker stupid ass alarm motherfuck." it was a lot more action than his usual "slide out of bed all incognito so as not to wake me" routine, so my brane went "ACK!" like the aliens in mars attacks!, and so, here i am.

i'm still sleeping like a baby, when i finally do sleep. thank the lord. after spending my entire high school career not sleeping due to hormones, and a good portion of the college years with my stomach in elaborate knots, the last year or so has been nothing short of beautiful. i get around 7 hours a night, and wake up with the sun feeling nice and refreshed, grogginess at a minimum. i think it's actually helped my body hammer out a lot of its kinks, helping to regulate my weight, keep my appetite going at a healthy clip, etc.

occasionally, george will hinder my falling asleep (or wake me up once it's happened) by licking himself--the sound of which would might be considered vaguely sexual were it not apparent that the sound was in fact coming from a big farty dog cleaning off his big farty bunghole and nearby junk. it usually only takes a firm "GEORGE, QUIT IT" to get him to stop, but sometimes he's too feverishly involved in the process and just can't quit til it's finished. if i manage to fall asleep before he begins with the doggy snoring, then i'm good. it's funny, but every now and then, i have to get out of bed and roll the dog over to quiet his nose and mouth. he thinks he's people.

well, shower time... gotta get ready for another long and drawn-out friday at the office. this weekend's social card is starting to fill up nicely, with tree removal (buh-bye holly trees with your stupid pokey leaves) and stump grinding scheduled for saturday morning and in-the-country grill-out campathon set for saturday evening. the poison ivy seems to have quit spreading, thank god, but it's still making me very uncomfortable, so i hope not to aggravate it or re-infect myself by spending most of the weekend outdoors. oh, and in case you were wondering, the loins are apparently just fine. blood is normal, no coppers came, and she said to just monitor the node and if it doesn't get better in a month, we'll make plans to take pictures of my insides.

it'd be sweet if i could sneak into the lab and switch the ultrasound pics with something else, like this:

or maybe like this:

oh, one more thing--personal aside to boomer... i went to tjmaxx and bought a bunch of shit, just like you said. JUST LIKE YOU SAID!

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