

jigga what?

tonight, the real rush to complete the transformation of the exterior of the bloompsey house begins. we've spent the last few weekends (on and off, thanks to weather) prepping the house for the eventual painting, re-guttering and relandscaping blitz.

weeds were killed. twenty-year-old shrubs were wrenched from their strongholds beneath the earth. big ol' holly trees were cut into millions (okay maybe not millions) of tiny pieces and carted off to tree heaven.

land was tilled. mulch was spread. new shrubs were planted. broken and disfigured pieces of siding were ripped down and replaced with NEW! IMPROVED! pieces. all that's left is to pressure wash, paint, lay down some pavers in the backyard and finish planting, and life is back to lazy. i can't effin' wait.

in other news, i got a pretty good six dollar haircut last night from the ol' beauty school down the street. only lost a half inch, but the shape, it's totally different!

my coworker and i (i think i'll refer to her from now on as "flossy," cuz that's what st3v3's decided to call her) are currently doing something kinda nefarious, which involves tracking down the dumbass mother of a UK student--this mother was on the tv last night talking about how it was just so hideous to think that her 20-YEAR-OLD daughter had a COLLEGE assignment for her hum@n s3xu@l1ty class that required her to go to a strip club or pr0n store and write a paper about gender roles and assumptions. this bitch actually told the tv cameras "i mean, what if someone she knew would have seen her there?!?!"

i mean really, what if!?!?!?!?!?!?!

what a dumb yatch. she seemed to me to be one of those "i never had to work" type lex vegas moms, with way too many worries about what the other lex vegas faggoos think about them. we called the tv station and flossy pretended to be a "reporter" from the university paper who needed the mom's name for a quote. we are now trying to figure out where she lives, *just so we know.* this story was like the #3 story on the local news last night. the mom's trying to get the course removed from the curriculum. i want to go to her house and just talk to her, calmly, and tell her to STOP BEING SUCH A PIECE OF CRAP.


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