

life, dirt, and imaginary parties...

i'm becoming an un-blogger.

i guess it's just that the daily life is pretty uneventful... like clockwork, really. nothing too exciting ever happens, but i can't say i'm complaining about that. some folks live their own personal soap operas, and they seem to love it and thrive on it. i am not one of those people.

so, here's my boring-ass recap of the long long weekend, which should have been a camping weekend, but turned out not to be because of "The Economy."

friday evening, z and i spent about 200 dollars on assorted plants, flowers and shrubs. we then returned home and watched a movie. sleeping ensued.

saturday morning, we managed to spend another 200 or so on MORE assorted plants, flowers and shrubs. saturday afternoon was spent putting half of the purchased goods in the ground. we quit at 6:30 on the dot. it was a long day and my legs felt like jello. watermelon jello. i think we stayed up til 10 that night, maybe... watching baseball and being all high. and then, again with the sleeping.

sunday morning, more of the planting. this time, we were joined by z's parents (the landlords/overlords), who helped us complete some other projects, like adding another set of steps to the deck and laying a brick patio. the planting, sawing and hammering and masonry were done around 3ish; the overlords departed; z and i decided to take "a quick break" and mulch (the last big thing left to do) when the sun had retreated a little. it's safe to say that never happened. we fell asleep on the couch and when i woke up at 8, i was perfectly content to sit on the couch with a boy in my lap watching delicious food tv shows. fuck mulch! z woke up around 10, we ate some cereal and proceeded directly back to bed.

and then there was monday. we figured we could finish mulching in an hour and spend the rest of the day in the hammock. NOT SO! little things, like the dog park and some taco bell came up, and we ended up conscripting the help of t-bone buttersworth and her landscaper beau to Get The Job Done. thanks again, soon-to-be-bday-girl. p.s. we doing something for that bday or what? so yeah, the mulch got done, we sat down for a minute and then z got a phone call-- FratBro McMysogynist needed a ride from the airport and wanted to grill out. so that's what happened then. i made bacon for the burgers, and that, my friends, was my Memorial Day CeleBacon. we passed the rest of the night with some more movies and sitting, and now, here i am, yet again, typing teh bullshit into the 'puter.

so i got really dirty this weekend, and that's about it. i'm quite tan (i know, it's wicked hard to believe), and my biceps feel gargantuan. we took some pictures--i just need to resize them and make them postable, and then i will... well... post them.

on another note, i was thinking yesterday... my friends are all relocating, and pretty soon here, it's gonna be nearly impossible to find anyone to do anything with. if i were to have a party this weekend, i can think of roughly eight people whom i could invite, and three of them might be able to make it. where does a hip young couple go to "meet people" and "make friends" in this town? strip clubs? church? champs rollerdrome? i mean, i'm really at a loss here... and i miss my buddies. stupid north carolina be stealing folks away from me and shit.

okay, i'm done. pictures soon, i promise... all i've been talking about lately is all of this housework shit, but really, if you saw it before and you see it now, it's pretty amazing the work we've done. it's nice to see the finished product, and you can't help but be a little proud of your handiwork.

cranza, out. 2003.


haha. you're going to have to go to church to find dinner party guests.
i shall be there. almost THIRTY steebie!?!?! wowza. you make me feel so young!

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