

now YOU got the juice...

it's been a while, i apologize. and today's post won't be anything special, so if you're looking for special, i suggest you visit this page. so anyway, i have been busy with the working, and that, my friends, is lame. i am ready to quit my job, quit looking for "a career" that i "love" and just get a twenty hour a week dealy somewhere fun, like the bong store, or the flower shop, or the kitten factory (where they MAKE kittens, not grind them up, of course). the only thing standing in the way of my plan is money, so i'm once again trying to hatch a fool-proof scheme that will net me hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars on which to live and buy pointless things for myself and my animals. easy!

all i'm saying is, if in ten years i am like "running" this company, someone PLEASE SHOOST ME. i will not resist, flinch, or in any way attempt to avoid it. unless, of course, i'm "running" the company in the same way that the current owners "run" the company; that is, "paying someone a shit rate to do everything while i run around and do whatever i want and pay for all of my fun with the company credit card." if that's the deal, then it's a pretty sweet deal and maybe i should just keep it.

my arms are tired from painting things. house, shutters, etc.etc.etc... i need a weekend for chillaxing. i'm hoping to camp in vajina or west vajina this weekend--camping with bacon and beers, not the kind of camping where you just take water and beans deep into the woods. that's not chillaxation enough for me right now. i hope it all goes thru, cuz i'm dying to see boomer.

and in conclusion, jesus is coming, hide your belongings. pooty-poo.


please shoost you?
that sounds like play #243 in the shoobie guide to squirting it in someones eyeball
dood! it's goldmember, dood!

but seriously, whenever i say "shoot" anymore, i say "shoost," and when i am addressing someone who is "shoosting," i call them a "shooster" and i always think of you.

isn't that nice?
im not even done reading the friggin post, but i had to comment on the link...LOVE IT.

im ordering my entire wardrobe from there and starting a fashion revolution: "haute cou-tard"
Awww shucks I shoulda warned you about the blue coller holiday (Memorial, 7/4, Labor) weekend camping / hoteling / driving ideas. The tourism industry taught me NEVER to leave the house at times when 87% of he rest of the country has left the house. Hope your experience went well...

*hint* Update.
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